David D McLeod
Your Life Mastery CoachTransforming lives into
Exquisite and Joyous Expressions of
Purpose, Passion & Peace

My Background
Fighter pilot. Best-selling author. Software engineer. Mentor. Aerobics instructor. Poet. Janitor. Lifeguard. Musician. Radio deejay. Graphics designer. Father. Student. Teacher. Photographer. Ordained minister. Yogi.
These roles—past and present—add up to a lot of life experience, all of which I bring to bear in my work as a transformational speaker, life mastery coach, experiential facilitator, and writer/storyteller.
As a Certified Master Life Coach with a PhD in Holistic Life Coaching and a DD in Spiritual Counseling, I share my wisdom, insights, personal lessons, and expertise in countless ways that help people all over the world to become true Masters of their lives.

You are a divine, magnificent, unlimited Spiritual Being of light and love sharing a temporary Human Experience with everyone else on the planet. You have as much right as anyone to success, joy, and fulfillment. Don’t settle for less than you deserve just to fit in or conform to society’s expectations; instead, find the truth in your heart, remember who you really are, and let the world experience all of you.
— David McLeod
I Love Helping People Flourish
Having gone through my own “dark night of the soul” and coming out the other side much stronger and wiser, I have learned many amazing things along the way.
Probably the most powerful thing I’ve learned is that whenever I was truly willing to do my own inner work, there was always someone (and often more than one person) available to provide the support and encouragement I needed.
This was very inspiring for me!
Soon enough, as I began emerging from my own darkness, I found myself wanting to give back. And I quickly discovered that I had an innate ability to facilitate other people’s inner work without letting any of my own stuff get in the way. People started responding to my offers of support and I soon came to understand that this was my true purpose in life!
In time, I managed to find a way to articulate my purpose as a kind of manifesto, which I wrote down and formalized in the image you see at right. Click on the image to see a larger version.
With Me as Your Coach…

…you get an unconditionally supportive accountability partner and advocate whose entire focus is to help you design, create and experience your best possible life. A coach with extensive experience who has helped hundreds of people find their way to purpose, passion, and peace, I provide you with all the tools, techniques, training, and support you need to navigate your way through everything that comes your way, so that you create and enjoy the life of your deepest heart’s desire.
Contact me if you…
- are disappointed, disillusioned, unhappy, or angry about the current state of your life;
- know in your heart that you truly deserve a fulfilling and joyful life;
- are motivated and inspired to do the inner work necessary to uncover, illuminate, and heal the blocks that prevent you from moving forward;
- jump for joy when your work pays off and you achieve the kinds of results you have only dreamed of.
What My Clients Say
David is a master facilitator. When I’ve worked with him, he’s provided a safe container, carefully reiterated the premise under which we do work to create safety and well-being, and then created processes out of his vast tool chest of experience in order to help people re-script the deep dilemmas they are becoming conscious of as they attempt to heal themselves and change their lives.
Working with David has transformed me each time I’ve approached a dilemma and I respect and trust him to help me and others do our most important personal work.
David has a remarkable ability to help me drill down to the real core of what I’m experiencing, discover long-held beliefs that aren’t serving me any more, and gain the awareness and consciousness required to choose a different path than I have in the past. He does this with incredible compassion, and a fierceness that drives me to do tough work that I might otherwise be too frightened to tackle. As a result, I have shifted my attitudes and learned to change my behaviors, and in so doing have developed more balanced relationships—romantic, platonic, and professional—with the people in my life.
David is a rare gem… a truly gifted AND compassionate facilitator and teacher, with a passion for helping others to become their most authentic and empowered selves. I have stood by and watched David time and time again, when he has skillfully and intuitively helped others, including myself, within just a few minutes, navigate the deepest waters of the issues that are blocking us from living our truth and our highest nature. It is like magic watching him work, as he gives himself totally to the experience of helping another find the truth and power within. I have always felt I was in safe and skillful hands, even as a woman, when going to the painful places in my soul with David as my guide, and have always come out the other side feeling more empowered and more whole.
I sought David’s help at a time when life wasn’t making sense for me anymore. I was depressed, angry, and very closed off to important people in my life. I had an ongoing fear of failure, and I was also afraid to let loved ones get too close to me. I was abusing alcohol in order to deal with my issues—which only made matters worse. I began a coaching program with David and positive changes started happening almost immediately. David was very professional, experienced, and caring, and he provided indispensable help to reach all the dark places within myself that I couldn’t access on my own. Because of my work with David, I now experience a lot of clarity, self forgiveness, and happiness—not to mention a significant increase in confidence and self respect.
Working with David McLeod, I received a glimmer of hope from the way he stood empowered in his body. I was deeply touched by David’s intuitive facilitative nature. He was connected to me and allowed me to go where I needed to take my growth work. He was able to safely and smoothly guide me through my processes to discover the nuggets of gold that were deep inside me all along.
The greatest gift I have received from my association with David has been “Authenticity”. David strives relentlessly to be authentic himself, and does his best to see the authentic person in everyone else. Working with David, I have been able to work steadily through my fears. David has encouraged me to take more responsibility and move away from co-dependent behavior, including blaming and shaming others. His quest for authenticity inspires me and pushes me in my quest for genuine connection in all my relationships.
David is a very loving coach who always makes it safe enough for me to go as deeply as I need to go. He has helped me to get in touch with deep shadows that have held me back in a lot of ways in my life, and what I learned was that these shadows were actually trying to protect me and keep me safe. Thanks to the work I’ve done with David, these shadows have definitely released their grip on me, and I now find myself much more able to live my truth on a day-to-day basis.
Not very often have I met someone that I can say really changed my life. David McLeod is one of those people. David helped me come to accept that I am not alone and that people in my life do care for me more than I realize. He helped me see that I am worthy of the love that people give me. He helped me discover my true passion and supported me in creating plans for seeing it through. David has a very direct approach: he was able to quickly pinpoint my desires and was laser-focused in helping me become the best me possible. In every session, I was treated professionally and with true compassion for the issues I was facing trying to achieve my goals.
My coaching sessions with David have been refreshing and powerful: I have found inner resources I didn’t know I had, and opened to further possibilities for my own growth, and joy in life. David is able to meet me wherever I happen to be, with his compassionate presence and wide range of coaching skills. His energetic, passionate caring and confidence help draw me into the exploration, and awaken my own inner facilitator.
Published Books
A Life to Die For
My Flagship Book
A Life to Die For is an authoritative, informative, and life-altering book that provides you with powerful skills to help you rediscover and reclaim the truth of who you really are and why you are really here. With many touching and inspiring stories, blended with delightful and moving poems, woven together with impressive and insightful teachings, David McLeod guides you in the creation of a life that you will treasure as a True Work of Art!
Words of Praise
“… a powerful roadmap for mastering your life …” — Best-selling Author
“… moving and powerful, yet very readable …” — International Speaker and Author
“… can help anyone—anywhere, any time—to improve their life experience and find more joy…” — Business Owner
“… well worth the read … change your life if you are ready …” — Founder and CEO
“… a living masterpiece …” — Executive Coach
“… depth, meaning, and incredible life lessons …” — Speaker and Executive Coach
“… many practical tools and opportunities to advance on the journey …” — Teacher and Coach
Best-Selling Wellness Universe Series
I have been blessed to collaborate with many brilliant healers and authors in creating a series of books entitled
The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care
Best-Selling Find Your Voice Series
Dianna Leeder and Scott Holmes graciously invited me to collaborate in the best-selling and award-winning Volume 4 of the series entitled
Find Your Voice, Save Your Life
This book is written from the masculine perspective, but the stories and teachings it contains are relevant for everyone!
My Credentials
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