Posts in Category: Awareness

Finding Clarity (Soul Memo Episode: 07/01/2024)

Author: David McLeod

Ultimately, taking responsibility for your life is a journey of empowerment and …

Worthiness or Entitlement? (Soul Memo Episode: 02/05/2024)

Author: David McLeod

People who translate worthiness into entitlement are doomed to disappointment. T …

What’s Really Important? (Soul Empowerment Episode: 01/10/2024)

Author: David McLeod

In the exploration of what truly matters, the question “what’s really important? …

Quantum Leap (Soul Empowerment Episode: 10/11/2023)

Author: David McLeod

You possess the capacity for transformation at any moment in your life. You can …

The Source of All Knowledge (Soul Memo Episode: 07/01/2023)

Author: David McLeod

All “problems” are the result of ignorance. We have forgotten the truth of who w …

The Thought Machine (Soul Memo Episode: 06/01/2023)

Author: David McLeod

Thoughts have a mind of their own. They come and go, willy-nilly, with nary a ca …

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