Posts in Category: Purpose

The Right Path? (Soul Empowerment Episode: 06/12/2024)

Author: David McLeod

Finding and following The Right Path is not a one-time decision but an ongoing p …

An Ideal World (Soul Memo Episode: 04/01/2022)

Author: David McLeod

A vision of an ideal world can inspire and motivate you to elevate your consciou …

Intentional Passion (Article: 07/18/2021)

Author: David McLeod

Passion can motivate and inspire, but when undirected, it may lead to frustratio …

Wandering Aimfully (Soul Empowerment Episode: 01/12/2021)

Author: David McLeod

When wandering through life, there is no need to be aimless! Try wandering aimfu …

Find Your Purpose (without Losing Yourself) (Soul Empowerment Episode: 07/14/2020)

Author: David McLeod

Few things in your life are more important than your purpose–why you are here a …

Pain to Passion: A Personal Journey (Article: 09/14/2019)

Author: David McLeod

No matter what kind of life you’ve had, everything about it was designed to help …

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