Posts with Tag: Alignment

Balance & Alignment (Soul Memo Episode: 05/06/2024)

Author: David McLeod

Let projection be your guide to embracing all that you are. Receive every projec …

Adventurer Spirit (Soul Memo Episode: 01/01/2024)

Author: David McLeod

By embracing and nurturing authentic curiosity, you can reconnect with the natur …

Commitment Conundrum (Soul Empowerment Episode: 12/13/2023)

Author: David McLeod

Learn about the Commitment Conundrum and explore the discomfort that arises when …

Resolving Internal Conflict (Soul Memo Episode: 12/04/2023)

Author: David McLeod

Internal conflict arises in the space between what is and what you desire. When …

Intentional Passion (Article: 07/18/2021)

Author: David McLeod

Passion can motivate and inspire, but when undirected, it may lead to frustratio …

The Life Mastery Mantra (Article: 10/05/2019)

Author: David McLeod

Looking for some innovative ways to tap into your innate ability to make yoursel …

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