
All in the Family (12 Apr 2023)

Soul Empowerment Episode #40 (Category: Relationship)

Our family of origin influences our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors. Family dynamics offer us opportunities to grow and mature…or …

Source of Approval (1 Apr 2023)

Soul Memo Episode #31 (Category: Identity)

External approval is something that many people want, but nobody needs. A dependency on external approval only sets you up …

Opening the Kimono (8 Mar 2023)

Soul Empowerment Episode #39 (Category: Identity)

Everyone has a story. Unfortunately, many people come to believe they “are” the story, and so they hold themselves back …

Embracing Truth (1 Mar 2023)

Soul Memo Episode #30 (Category: Integrity)

Truth has no emotion and no agenda; it simply is. Accept truth into your life and share it compassionately with …

When Murphy’s Law Prevails (8 Feb 2023)

Soul Empowerment Episode #38 (Category: Awareness)

Have you ever gone through a period of time—a day, a week, maybe even longer—when everything seemed to go totally …

A Cycle of Kindness (1 Feb 2023)

Soul Memo Episode #29 (Category: Awareness)

Kindness may be the last thing on your mind when you are facing your own day-to-day challenges. If you want …

Messages from Beyond (11 Jan 2023)

Soul Empowerment Episode #37 (Category: General)

Everyone has access to Messages from Beyond, because we are always connected to the Source of all Wisdom and Truth. …

Releasing Grudges (1 Jan 2023)

Soul Memo Episode #28 (Category: Forgiveness)

When someone does you wrong, don’t make the mistake of listening to your ego-mind! Choose instead to forgive, and find …

Holiday Storms in the Family? (14 Dec 2022)

Soul Empowerment Episode #36 (Category: Relationship)

Holidays may feel like you are approaching a tidal wave in a row boat! But you can prepare yourself, and …

Compassion for the Ego-Mind (1 Dec 2022)

Soul Memo Episode #27 (Category: Compassion)

At times, the ego-mind can seem like an unruly child. If you approach it with compassion, you’ll be able to …

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