
WU Guide to Complete Self-Care, Vol 4 (11 Jan 2022)

Article by David McLeod (Category: General)

Book 4 in the Wellness Universe series is now published and moving up the Amazon Best-Seller charts. I did a …

The Gift in the Obstacle (1 Jan 2022)

Soul Memo Episode #16 (Category: Awareness)

Most people have the experience of finding an unexpected gift in most obstacles. Let’s talk about how to see the …

Cycles of Learning (An Interactive Review) (14 Dec 2021)

Soul Empowerment Episode #24 (Category: General)

Time to celebrate! For this episode, we decided to take a look back on everything we created in the past …

Forgiveness for One and All (1 Dec 2021)

Soul Memo Episode #15 (Category: Forgiveness)

Forgiveness is far more powerful than most people realize. Deepen your understanding of forgiveness, and expand your practice to all.

When Life Throws Curve Balls (9 Nov 2021)

Soul Empowerment Episode #23 (Category: Flow)

It’s hard to stay grounded when something unexpected happens. But don’t give in to your ego-mind, stay centered and find …

Goddess Tools: Author Conversation Series (8 Nov 2021)

Article by David McLeod (Category: General)

As part of the publication process for our book “The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care, 25 Tools for Goddesses”, …

Changing Times (1 Nov 2021)

Soul Memo Episode #14 (Category: Shadow)

We often react to change from a place of resistance, because we don’t know what’s in store. Learn a simple …

The Secrecy Trap (12 Oct 2021)

Soul Empowerment Episode #22 (Category: Integrity)

We all keep secrets, and sometimes for good reason. But when our desire for privacy gets out of hand, so …

Healing from the Heart (1 Oct 2021)

Soul Memo Episode #13 (Category: Compassion)

To be agents of global healing, we must first heal ourselves. Then understanding and compassion will arise naturally, and universal …

Extended Family Visit (14 Sep 2021)

Soul Empowerment Episode #21 (Category: Relationship)

We all know the challenges of an extended family visit. Mixed feelings, history, it’s a universal recipe. Here are some …

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