Instant Gratitude

Instant Gratitude

Instant gratification means to experience pleasure without delay. But sometimes the real satisfaction resides in the delay rather than the immediate pleasure. You can choose whichever path you want to take, but if you adopt some of the ideas we share in this conversation, you’ll come to value the idea of Instant Gratitude over Instant Gratification every time.

What Would Love Do Now?

What Would Love Do Now?

Our heart is our connection to our Soul. It always speaks the Truth and will never misguide us. Feel the answer to the question “What would Love do Now?” and encourage your mind to have the courage and conviction of your heart for the next best step.

All in the Family

All in the Family

Our family of origin influences our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors. Family dynamics offer us opportunities to grow and mature…or not! Tune in and find out more.

Opening the Kimono

Opening the Kimono

Everyone has a story. Unfortunately, many people come to believe they “are” the story, and so they hold themselves back from fully experiencing the truth of who they really are. In this episode, we discuss some remedies for this.

When Murphy’s Law Prevails

When Murphy’s Law Prevails

Have you ever gone through a period of time—a day, a week, maybe even longer—when everything seemed to go totally against your expectations? No matter what you did, it just seemed that nothing worked out? In this episode, we talk about “Murphy’s Law”—what it really means, and what we can do about it.

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