When the Cookie Crumbles

When the Cookie Crumbles

Life is not always comfortable, but in hindsight, we often see that our most uncomfortable and challenging moments are also the periods of our greatest growth.

Discern, Determine, Decide

Discern, Determine, Decide

Ultimately, in the face of challenges, it’s our conscious choices that become our superpowers. They give us the courage to face life’s unexpected plot twists with a knowing wink and a “challenge accepted!” attitude.

Sticks & Stones

Sticks & Stones

Raise your consciousness and elevate your vibration. Then you will find yourself choosing words and intentions that are more closely aligned with the truth of who you really are. The world will benefit from such choices.

Instant Gratitude

Instant Gratitude

Instant gratification means to experience pleasure without delay. But sometimes the real satisfaction resides in the delay rather than the immediate pleasure. You can choose whichever path you want to take, but if you adopt some of the ideas we share in this conversation, you’ll come to value the idea of Instant Gratitude over Instant Gratification every time.

What Would Love Do Now?

What Would Love Do Now?

Our heart is our connection to our Soul. It always speaks the Truth and will never misguide us. Feel the answer to the question “What would Love do Now?” and encourage your mind to have the courage and conviction of your heart for the next best step.

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