by David McLeod | Feb 3, 2025 | Shadow
Take the time to get to know your shadow, and to engage the tools of uncovering, illuminating, healing and integrating. You’ll soon realize that your shadow has many gifts and talents that you can begin to bring more fully into your life. And soon enough, you’ll come to think of your shadow as a friend.
by David McLeod | Jan 6, 2025 | Integrity
The choice between taking responsibility and making excuses is ultimately a choice between empowerment and stagnation. By choosing to take responsibility, you can open yourself up to growth, learning, and the possibility of creating a life that aligns with your deepest values and aspirations. I invite you to let excuses be a thing of the past and choose instead to take full responsibility for every aspect of your life.
by David McLeod | Dec 2, 2024 | General
Begin counting your blessings today. Start with the big ones, but don’t stop there. Look for the subtle gifts. And when you’re ready, challenge yourself to find at least one hidden blessing within the difficult circumstances of your life. You might be surprised by what you discover. The more you appreciate, the more life gives you to appreciate.
by David McLeod | Nov 4, 2024 | Integrity
Living with integrity and dedication is about embracing the ongoing process of alignment. It is about showing up for yourself, your purpose, and the world with authenticity, commitment, and grace. As you nurture these qualities in your life, you will find that they not only lead to greater fulfillment but also empower you to make a meaningful impact on the world around you.
by David McLeod | Oct 7, 2024 | Acceptance
Intentional surrender is a powerful practice that allows you to release attachments that no longer serve your highest good. By letting go of the need to control, possess, or define yourself by external factors, you can tap into greater freedom, inner peace, and spiritual growth. The process of intentional surrender may not always be easy, but it always rewards you with amazing benefits. Give yourself permission to trust in the unfolding of life, so that you can discover that true happiness and fulfillment come not from holding on, but from letting go.